Friday, December 30, 2005

101 Things About Me

1. I was born and raised in California.
2. I have never lived in another city other than my birth city.
3. I would like to move out of the area this coming year, preferably to Washington DC.
4. I am the youngest of 3 children.
5. I have 2 older sisters, both which i have a great relationship with in different ways.
6. I enjoy working with computers and currently am looking for a job in the IT field.
7. I have traveled quite a bit, visiting such places as Spain and Peru.
8. The next place I'd like to visit in the states would be New York, and Italy abroad.
9. I have great relationships with both my parents, and feel lucky to have that.
10. I am a HUGE hockey fan, and am so happy to have it back.
11. I also like baseball and football, with the Angels and Cowboys being my favorite teams.
12. I lost my grandmother 2 years ago, and i still feel like i'm not totally over her loss.
13. She was the first person close to me who has died.
14. Coming up with 101 things is a bit of a challenge right now for me.
15. I was raised in a Catholic house, and after a brief time away, have come back to the Church.
16. It has brought me comfort and aid in my life, and am glad to be active again.
17. I can't live without my iPod, i have a 4 GB mini silver, with over 700 songs on it.
18. The music is pretty diverse, with rock, classical, love songs, and church music as some of my playlists.
19. I have several favorite movies, but i enjoy comedies the most.
20. I have Spaceballs, Airplane!, Young Frankenstein, and Clue committed to memory.
21. Along with Star Wars and West Side Story i can recite.
22. I enjoy musicals, and I wish that i could see more of what's out there.
23. I have a fear of heights, more specific i hate being on bridges and high overpasses.
24. It stems from when i was 8 being on a freeway overpass in San Diego and looking out the window freaking out at how high we were.
25. I hated visiting my sister when she lived in San Francisco, cuz that damn city has bridges everywhere in order to go somewhere.
26. On the other hand, i loved visiting her in SF, cuz the city was just amazing, it had such a great vibe to it.
27. My birthday is on February 27th.
28. I am a Pisces, and fit the traits to a T, down to the procrastination, daydreaming, and psychic feelings and premonitions.
29. I enjoy snowboarding, and went for the first time on my 21st birthday.
30. I received a concussion the first time i went snowboarding, and now wear a helmet to keep my noggin safe.
31. My first concussion i had when i was 16, in a collision with a teammate of mine on my high school baseball team.
32. I am ambidextrous, i write with my right hand, throw with my left, kick with my left, play pool and table tennis right handed, and can eat with either hand.
33. I used to write left-handed, but in Kindergarden going to a Catholic school my nun principal discouraged that, and i would get hit on the wrist with a ruler to make me switch to my right hand.
34. I also got in trouble while in K for dancing the whole routine to Michael Jackson's Thriller, getting more lashes from the ruler.
35. The dancing would embarass my middle sister, who attended the school with me at the time.
36. To this day i still can dance the Thriller video.
37. I have never done any illegal drugs in my life.
38. Although i used to do smokeless tobacco, for awhile my senior year in high school.
39. I was able to kick the habit, but it took me almost a year to kick the habit.
40. I quit playing baseball after high school when i could've played college ball for a girl i was seeing.
41. We broke up almost 2 years later, and i regret quitting for her.
42. I had a long distance relationship with her, she went to school at UC Santa Cruz, while i was in school down in SoCal.
43. It was rough only to see her once a month for a weekend, but managed to stay together for 2 1/2 years.
44. We finally broke up cuz her schooling was taking her further and further away, now to the east coast.
45. I still have not seen her or talked to her since the day we broke up, almost 5 years later.
46. Some would consider me to be a ham, I feel I'm a product of being the youngest and only boy in the family, and also being a Pisces.
47. I do have a hard time trying to show a girl I'm interested in her.
48. Many girls that I have liked have banished me to the "friend zone", forever killing any chance I had of going out with them.
49. There is someone out there whom I have feelings for, but am too scared to tell her in fear it would ruin our relationship.
50. It may sound strange, but I do look forward to the day I get married, all the joy and happiness that comes along with that day.
51. The scariest moments of my life had to be the 1994 Northridge Earthquake.
52. I had a waterbed at the time, and was tossed by the waves in the bed.
53. My cat was sleeping on the bed, and punctured it with his claws trying to hold on for dear life.
54. My room got flooded as a result.
55. One of the best times of my life was when I went whitewater rafting with my oldest sister.
56. When i dream, it's always in black and white.
57. My biggest nightmare is me dying in a plane crash.
58. I am a history fanatic.
59. My favorite type of history is US History Civil War to present day.
60. I've been fortunate enough to visit Pearl Harbor, a remarkable place to see.
61. History is part of the reason I love the DC area.
62. My first trip to Washington DC was for the Inauguration of Bill Clinton in 1997.
63. It was the first time I experienced real cold weather.
64. Nothing like landing at Dulles International Airport and the temperature being 6 degrees and snow.
65. I love cold weather, give me 20 degrees and snowing conditions I'm happy.
66. I would like to travel more of the US, especially to see baseball games in different cities.
67. My dream games to go to would be a Cubs game at Wrigley, and a Red Sox game at Fenway.
68. I HATE the Yankees in baseball, and yes, the Lakers in basketball.
69. This summer i got to see Real Madrid play in LA vs. the Galaxy.
70. To see world class soccer like Real Madrid was something i'll never forget.
71. I spent waaaay too much money on Real Madrid apparel, figuring I may not get to see them in person again.
72. Pro football is the only sport I haven't seen in person.
73. Every year I go to at least baseball game with my dad, just him and I, as a way to spend time together.
74. My New Year's resolution is to lose weight and get in better shape.
75. I have all the athletic ability in the world, I can play any sport that I try.
76. Unfortunately, I wasn't blessed with any artistic creativity.
77. I cannot draw a lick, nor can i play a musical instrument.
78. I lied, I can't ice skate, therefore i can't play hockey.
79. That's why I love hockey so much, I have an appreciation for the skill it takes to play the game.
80. That's also why I love music as much as I do, I cannot fathom the idea of creating something from nothing and making it work.
81. I have a pin collection that started when I was 12, collecting pins from my baseball playing days.
82. My pin bag now has all sorts of pins, mostly from places I've visited or events I've attended.
83. My favorite food is pizza
84. Coke vs. Pepsi? Pepsi all the way!
85. My favorite shows on TV now include: The Daily Show, Family Guy, Arrested Development, West Wing, and LOST.
86. Evangeline Lilly from LOST is fine as wine!!
87. I have a thing for women with dark hair and light colored eyes.
88. Yes I am latino, no I don't speak spanish.
89. If I got a dollar for evertime someone was shocked I didn't speak spanish, I'd be rich by now.
90. I would like to learn spanish this year though to shut people up about that.
91. I used to work as an After School Playground Supervisor.
92. After 6 years of that, I had enough, and figured one day I would like to have kids without hating them.
93. When things get too hectic, I live to take a drive along the coast to clear my mind.
94. I have a beach I go to that has the sun setting right in front of me, making for a beautiful scene.
95. My favorite subjects were Math and History.
96. My first concert was Pearl Jam in 1998 at the Great Western Forum in Inglewood, CA.
97. My last concert was this past July seeing Dave Matthews Band at the Home Depot Center in Carson, CA.
98. I am a hopeless romantic.
99. I should tell my friends and family I love them more than I do.
100. I am grateful for each day I wake up, for there was a time I contemplated suicide.
101. The End, damn this was harder than I thought!